Delivering for our local community

Talent Match

Be the Star in your own life!

Whatever has happened in your life so far, we want to inspire and support you to aim for what you want in your future.

The Talent Match project is for you if you are aged 18 – 24, and have not worked in the last 12 months (school, college, and university don’t count – so if you’ve been doing those but you are not working now, then we may still be able to help you).

Talent Match provides one to one advice and practical support to help build confidence and skills, deal with issues and barriers, and move your life forward.

In order to ‘move your life forward’ we can offer support which is truly flexible and designed to meet your needs.

As well as social and personal goals, we’d like to help you get closer to achieving your job goals. To do that, we can help you access work experience, traineeships, apprenticeships, training & education courses, and jobs.

Everyone is treated as an individual, so everything we do is tailored to your needs. We know you’re an adult, so we’ll advise and encourage, it is your choice what activities you undertake.

Contact us to arrange an appointment, or pop in for a chat - We’re friendly and we don’t judge!

This service is no longer running,
for more information please contact us.

Project Partners
Community Fund
European Union | European Social Fund | Investing in jobs and skills
HLC - Humberside Learning Consortium

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