Probe (Hull) Ltd is currently the Local Trusted Organisation (LTO) for the Greatfield Big Local, a 10 year National Lottery funded programme.
Greatfield is 1 of 150 communities across the country who have received Big Local funding from the Lottery to spend on improving their local community. Local residents decide and control how the money is spent.
As the LTO, Probe (Hull) Ltd gives the Greatfield Big Local partnership support in managing its funds and with staffing, and offers general technical support to the partnership as a whole.
Greatfield Big Local have also provided match funding for Probe to deliver a range of services to support local people to access employment, training, and volunteering support.
If you are interested in further information
for this service
contact us via...
Call us; 01482 702390
Email us;
Visit us; St Stephen’s Neighbourhood Centre, 96 Annandale Road, Greatfield, HU9 4LA